In Development: “Shortlisted”: A Direct Referrals Network for Film & TV Professionals

My answer to the question: Do you anyone good that’s available?

Github: Shortlisted | Live Link:

python flask javascript react redux css html5 bcrypt sqlite sqlalchemy postgresql vscode github docker render

Shortlisted is a closed circle direct referral network for TV & Film Editors and Assistant Editors. The backend API is written in Python using the Flask server framework. The frontend functionality is built with React and the UI is enhanced with CSS.

Shortlisted users can create profiles, connect with their peers, curate lists of references for different job opportunities, and communicate with their peers about the jobs. Each user can list their areas of expertise, and block out days of availability to ensure they appear in shortlists for opportunities that are perfect for them.

This presentation is my demo on graduation day from the App Academy software engineering bootcamp.

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